
CoreMan is a document and correspondence management system that enables companies and organizations to develop an easily accessible digital document and correspondence archive that can be efficiently managed.

CoreMan is a web-based solution, which allows it to be easily accessed from anywhere and compatible with all operating systems.

CoreMan is licensed under the open source GNU GPL license.


CoreMan runs on Apache Tomcat platform and uses MySQL database as a backend. See installation instructions.

Version 1.2 (2010-04-08):

Version 1.1 (2008-04-01):


Operation manual:


Login Main Menu Add new incoming document Search Document list


CoreMan was originally developed for the Scott Wilson and Kirkpatrick Ltd consulting firm, for the project of reconstruction and upgrade of the Novi Sad – Belgrade motorway in Serbia.


CoreMan is free software – anyone can download it, free of charge, and use it without having to pay any license fees.

If you need someone to help lead you and your employees through the entire process of preparation, installation, training, use and functionality updating, our team of programmers and trainers will help you improve the efficiency of your company and overcome the difficulties of document filing.

CoreMan is a constantly developing system, help us to accommodate it to your needs.



If you have any questions or comments, please write to